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If you say that there is no god but Allah you are a Muslim

The Pir of Galibiyya
Hazrat Haji Galip Hassan Kuscuoglu (q.s.)

Haji Gâlip Hassan Kuşçuoglu was born in Çorum in 1919. His family was distinguished with their piety. He was both Sayyid and Sharif, and his bloodline goes as far back to the famous astronomer, Ali Kuşçu of the age of Mehmet the Conqueror.
Hz. Pîr'in Hayatı
Haji Gâlip Hassan Kuşçuoglu was born in Çorum in 1919. His family was distinguished with their piety. He was both Sayyid and Sharif, and his bloodline goes as far back to the famous astronomer, Ali Kuşçu of the age of Mehmet the Conqueror.
Hz. Pîr Bilgisayar Başında


Pîr'i Gâlibî H. Galip Hasan Kuşçuoğlu(K.S.) Hazretleri'nin Sohbetleri


In 1956 on the Bara’ah night, he was heralded with his spiritual guidance duty (khilafat). After a few months, his Shaikh conveyed this duty to Master Galip. From that day forward, with all his power, he endeavored to help people understand Islam and live according to Islam by giving spiritual guidance, sermons, religious talks and performing dhkirs.


You can find news about Galibi Education, Culture and Solidarity Foundation such as announcements, events and meetings here.


Gâlibî Eğitim, Kültür ve Yardımlaşma Vakfı’na ait duyuru, etkinlik, toplantı gibi haberlere buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.
Ey iman edenler! Yahudilerin ve Hristiyanların evliyalarını evliya edinmeyin. Zira onlar kendilerinin evliyasıdır. İçinizde onların evliyalarını evliya edinenler onlardandır. Allah nefsine zulmedene yol göstermez.
Mâide Suresi (51)


You can access our Friday sermons published every week, the activities of our Gâlibî Foundation children, more information about our bread distribution service and the daily vird and prayers of our dervish brothers and sisters from the links below.
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